McAfee SIEM API Wrapper: MFE_SAW Documentation Status

McAfee SIEM API Wrapper - MFE_SAW

MFE_SAW is a wrapper around the McAfee ESM API versions 10.x and above.

This project attempts to provide a pythonic interface for specific aspects of the product including: * ESM Monitoring * Datasource Management (add, edit, del) * Simplified Query interface [TBD] * Watchlist Operations [TBD]

The first target of this project is datasource management. With this library and accompanied front-end CLI interface, datasources can be easily added by providing a few details.

dsconf/new_ds_cfg.txt ``` name=DC01_DNS ip= rec_ip= type=linux

$ mfe_saw -a

$ mfe_saw -s “DC01_DNS”


Here is an example:

 >>> esm = ESM()
 >>> esm.login(host, username, passwd)
 >>> esm.time()
 >>> devtree = DevTree()
 >>> 'loghost-245' in devtree
{'dev_type': '0', 'name': 'NXLog-Client-1', 'id': '144119586172698880',
'enabled': 'T', 'ds_ip': '', 'hostname': 'nxlog-client-1',
'typeID': '0', 'vendor': 'InterSect Alliance', 'model':
'Snare for Windows', 'tz_id': '', 'date_order': '', 'port': '',
'syslog_tls': 'F', 'client_groups': '0'}

Feature Support

  • Pythonic implementation
  • Authentication and session tracking across objects
  • Built-in multiprocessing for high performance
  • Pass through of native API methods
  • CLI interface
  • Get info for existing datasources
  • Add new datasources
  • ESM status methods
  • More to come!

mfe_saw officially supports Python 3.5–3.7 on Windows and Linux.


To install MFE_SAW, use pip:

$ pip install mfe_saw


Documentation is available at